Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Interview Part 1

So I posted a blog asking for questions; however, I received no questions. That means that no one actually has any questions, no one is actually reading my blog anymore, or people have questions but keep forgetting to ask them (I wrote this before I got my one question… which I will answer).  Well, it really doesn’t matter which one of those things it is.  These days, I talk to myself a lot as I am the only one who speaks English or Spanish (two languages I feel fluent in) in hundreds of miles; I try to speak to the Indonesians in Spanish and they just look at me funny. Anyways, I talk to myself, so I figured I would just interview myself, since I have some questions. Here is part one of my interview.

Hi KT, thanks for taking the time to sit down for this interview, I know you have a busy field schedule.
Oh thanks Katie, but it is my pleasure to take the time and share my research with others.

Q. So to start off with let us cover some of the things you have mentioned in your previous posts.  First, are you still eating nasi goreng or has your diet changed?
A. Oh yes, my diet has changed a lot.  I like to divide my diet into 4 food groups, rice, msg and salt, eggs, and noodles.  Plain white rice is a staple in Indonesian food; they like to say, “if you didn’t eat rice, you didn’t eat”. Sometimes, rather than rice, we will eat ramien noodles, but usually it is noodles with a side of rice.  An Indonesian in my village would have a diet of rice and fish; however, since I still don’t eat fish, I eat eggs instead.  Oh yes, and msg is added to everything.  When I am living in town, I keep trying to buy veggies (which are rare and hard to come by); however, my host mom doesn’t really know what to do with them.

Q. Have you found any better coffee now that you are off the island of Java?
A. Yes, I have, but it actually has very little coffee in it.  My host mom makes this thing called kopi campur which translates to country coffee.  It is roasted fresh coconut, rice, and a little coffee.  It is pretty good, much better than instant.

Q. What is the hardest part of your job?
A. Many people would think it would be the snakes, or the heat or maybe the bugs, but I would have to say the loneliness.  When I was at school, everyone around me was working on a post graduate degree.  They understood the stress, the frustration, and the drive.  Currently, I am living in a town with a fairly poor population; most of the adults have a 6th grade or maybe 9th grade education.  Therefore, to have someone who is not just working on a college degree but a PhD is a bit isolating.  Add on top of that, I come from a very different country with a very different culture.  The loneliness is compounded by a ‘lack of understand’.  I can explain the lack of understanding in three ways.  First, although my Indonesian is getting better, there is still stuff that I just don’t get yet or can’t express.  Secondly, the people do not speak Indonesian to each other; they speak this local language (which of course there is no dictionary to it).  And finally, there are things I want to express that they just don’t have any concept of.  I think the best example of this is when my new thermometer came.  I didn’t know the word for thermometer but I showed it to my assistant.  He asked me what it was, and I said it is to know the temperature.  We ran into my other field assistant who has worked with scientists for years, and he said the word in Indonesian and explained it; however, there was still this question of what it was and why would you need to know the temperature.  I guess when your temperature ranges about 10 degrees Fahrenheit the importance of knowing the temperature is less important. There are three temperatures here, digin (cold, under 83 degrees), panas (from 83-90 degrees), and panas sekali above 90 degrees.  Therefore even when there are words, sometimes things just can’t be explained.  I thank all of you out there who have chatted with me or sent me emails, it really helps the loneliness, and I really appreciate it.  


  1. I'm reading!! Wow, Katie, I'm *almost* glad to hear you're lonely, because here I am in a huge city of English speakers and I feel lonely without my Davis friends... I was thinking, oh my god, Katie's not even lonely in Indonesia, I'm such a loser :)
    I suppose I shouldn't be cheered up by someone else's misery, haha.

  2. Oh my gosh KT, I check your blog almost every day or so, so I'm ashamed to see I've been slipping and I missed this post on the 7th... until today.....I'm saddened to hear you are lonely, but it makes sense that you would be......geographically, culturally, language-wise, family and friendship wise, peer group wise you are isolated ....I'll try and write more. But even if I don't write often enough, I think of you daily and wonder what you are up to.

  3. Haha! Interviewing yourself is the first sign of losing it! Although I find myself talking to myself all of the time and I have no excuse since I am in Davis. Hmm...maybe I am also losing it?
